Мэр областного центра Игорь Куцак поздно вечером в субботу, 28 декабря, сообщил, что прямо сейчас находится на месте аварии на канализации на проспекте Клыкова
The main conceptual idea is that Mural Mayor Igor Kucak is personally overseeing the efforts to resolve a major sewage problem on Klykov Avenue in Kursk.
The problem involves a broken main sewer line affecting over 40 apartment buildings.
Kucak is working with specialists to address the issue through temporary pumping, adding a second pump, and potentially temporarily restricting water supply to the affected area. He emphasizes that this is a top priority for him and that repairs will be expedited.
The main conceptual idea is that Mural Mayor Igor Kucak is personally overseeing the efforts to resolve a major sewage problem on Klykov Avenue in Kursk. The problem involves a broken main sewer line affecting over 40 apartment buildings. Kucak is working with specialists to address the issue through temporary pumping, adding a second pump, and potentially temporarily restricting water supply to the affected area. He emphasizes that this is a top priority for him and that repairs will be expedited.